Multipart Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)
不过这篇文章非常古老,96年的,现在又有很多新的MIME条目,这里有一篇比较新的 MIME简介与MIME类型大全,可以参看。
web服务器本身也都内置了MIME配置文件,如apache,在linux下,它一般在/etc/mime.types (fedora, centos,redhat系列), 也可能在/usr/local/apache/etc/mime.types (好像这个位置是更合理更“默认”) ,这里有一篇fedora14上apache的MIME文件可以参看。
Multipart Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)
The following table lists many of the MIME content-types currently in use on the Web, and gives the data type associacted with the MIME type name. There are in some cases more than one MIME type in use for a given data type.
The types are divided into the following categories:To make this table easier to use, some types appearunder more than one category
下表格中链接为页内链接,点击快速定位 | |
Description of Data Content
数据类型描述 |
Typical Filename Extensions
典型文件扩展名 |
MIME type/subtype
MIME类型/子类型 |
Text and Text-Related Types | |||
HTML text data (RFC 1866) | html htm | text/html | |
Plain text: documents; program listings | txt c c++ pl cc h | text/plain | |
Richtext (obsolete – replaced by text/enriched) | text/richtext | ||
Structure enhanced text | (etx?) | text/x-setext | |
Enriched text markup (RFC 1896) | text/enriched | ||
Tab-separated values (tabular) | (tsv?) | text/tab-separated-values | |
SGML documents (RFC 1874) | text/sgml | ||
Speech synthesis data (MVP Solutions) | talk | text/x-speech | |
Document Stylesheet Types | |||
Cascading Stylesheets | css | text/css | |
DSSSL-online stylesheets | application/dsssl (proposed) | ||
Image Types | |||
GIF | gif | image/gif | |
X-Windows bitmap (b/w) | xbm | image/x-xbitmap | |
X-Windows pixelmap (8-bit color) | xpm | image/x-xpixmap | |
Portable Network Graphics | png | image/x-png | |
Image Exchange Format (RFC 1314) | ief | image/ief | |
JPEG | jpeg jpg jpe | image/jpeg | |
TIFF | tiff tif | image/tiff | |
RGB | rgb | image/rgb | |
image/x-rgb | |||
Group III Fax (RFC 1494) | g3f | image/g3fax | |
X Windowdump format | xwd | image/x-xwindowdump | |
Macintosh PICT format | pict | image/x-pict | |
PPM (UNIX PPM package) | ppm | image/x-portable-pixmap | |
PGM (UNIX PPM package) | pgm | image/x-portable-graymap | |
PBM (UNIX PPM package) | pbm | image/x-portable-bitmap | |
PNM (UNIX PPM package) | pnm | image/x-portable-anymap | |
Microsoft Windows bitmap | bmp | image/x-ms-bmp | |
CMU raster | ras | image/x-cmu-raster | |
Kodak Photo-CD | pcd | image/x-photo-cd | |
Computer Graphics Metafile | cgm | image/cgm | |
North Am. Presentation Layer Protocol | image/naplps | ||
CALS Type 1 or 2 | mil cal | image/x-cals | |
Fractal Image Format (Iterated Systems) | fif | image/fif | |
QuickSilver active image (Micrografx) | dsf | image/x-mgx-dsf | |
CMX vector image (Corel) | cmx | image/x-cmx | |
Wavelet-compressed (Summus) | wi | image/wavelet | |
AutoCad Drawing (SoftSource) | dwg | image/vnd.dwg | |
image/x-dwg | |||
AutoCad DXF file (SoftSource) | dxf | image/vnd.dxf | |
image/x-dxf | |||
Simple Vector Format (SoftSource) | svf | image/vnd.svf | |
also vector/x-svf | |||
Audio/Voice/Music Related Types | |||
“basic”audio – 8-bit u-law PCM | au snd | audio/basic | |
Macintosh audio format (AIpple) | aif aiff aifc | audio/x-aiff | |
Microsoft audio | wav | audio/x-wav | |
MPEG audio | mpa abs mpega | audio/x-mpeg | |
MPEG-2 audio | mp2a mpa2 | audio/x-mpeg-2 | |
compressed speech (Echo Speech Corp.) | es | audio/echospeech | |
Toolvox speech audio (Voxware) | vox | audio/voxware | |
RapidTransit compressed audio (Fast Man) | lcc | application/fastman | |
Realaudio (Progressive Networks) | ra ram | application/x-pn-realaudio | |
NIFF music notation data format | application/ | ||
MIDI music data | mmid | x-music/x-midi | |
Koan music data (SSeyo) | skp | application/vnd.koan | |
application/x-koan | |||
Speech synthesis data (MVP Solutions) | talk | text/x-speech | |
Video Types | |||
MPEG video | mpeg mpg mpe | video/mpeg | |
MPEG-2 video | mpv2 mp2v | video/mpeg-2 | |
Macintosh Quicktime | qt mov | video/quicktime | |
Microsoft video | avi | video/x-msvideo | |
SGI Movie format | movie | video/x-sgi-movie | |
VDOlive streaming video (VDOnet) | vdo | video/vdo | |
Vivo streaming video (Vivo software) | viv | video/ | |
video/vivo | |||
Special HTTP/Web Application Types | |||
Proxy autoconfiguration (Netscape browsers) | pac | application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig | |
See Chapter 6 | application/x-www-form-urlencoded | ||
See Chapter 9 | application/x-www-local-exec | ||
See Chapter 9 (Netscape extension) | multipart/x-mixed-replace | ||
See Chapter 9 and Appendix B | multipart/form-data | ||
Netscape Cooltalk chat data (Netscape) | ice | x-conference/x-cooltalk | |
Interactive chat (Ichat) | application/x-chat | ||
Application Types | |||
Text-Related | |||
PostScript | ai eps ps | application/postscript | |
Microsoft Rich Text Format | rtf | application/rtf | |
Adobe Acrobat PDF | application/pdf | ||
application/x-pdf | |||
Maker Interchange Format (FrameMaker) | mif | application/vnd.mif | |
application/x-mif | |||
Troff document | t tr roff | application/x-troff | |
Troff document with MAN macros | man | application/x-troff-man | |
Troff document with ME macros | me | application/x-troff-me | |
Troff document with MS macros | ms | application/x-troff-ms | |
LaTeX document | latex | application/x-latex | |
Tex/LateX document | tex | application/x-tex | |
GNU TexInfo document | texinfo texi | application/x-texinfo | |
TeX dvi format | dvi | application/x-dvi | |
MacWrite document | ?? | application/macwriteii | |
MS word document | ?? | application/msword | |
WordPerfect 5.1 document | ?? | application/wordperfect5.1 | |
SGML application (RFC 1874) | application/sgml | ||
Office Document Architecture | oda | application/oda | |
Envoy Document | evy | application/envoy | |
Wang Info. Tranfer Format (Wang) | application/wita | ||
DEC Document Transfer Format (DEC) | application/dec-dx | ||
IBM Document Content Architecture (IBM) | application/dca-rft | ||
CommonGround Digital Paper (No Hands Software) | application/commonground | ||
FrameMaker Documents (Frame) | doc fm frm frame | application/vnd.framemaker | |
application/x-framemaker | |||
Remote printing at arbitrary printers (RFC 1486) | application/remote-printing | ||
Archive/Compressed Archives | |||
Gnu tar format | gtar | application/x-gtar | |
4.3BSD tar format | tar | application/x-tar | |
POSIX tar format | ustar | application/x-ustar | |
Old CPIO format | bcpio | application/x-bcpio | |
POSIX CPIO format | cpio | application/x-cpio | |
UNIX sh shell archive | shar | application/x-shar | |
DOS/PC – Pkzipped archive | zip | application/zip | |
Macintosh Binhexed archive | hqx | application/mac-binhex40 | |
Macintosh Stuffit Archive | sit sea | application/x-stuffit | |
Fractal Image Format | fif | application/fractals | |
Binary, UUencoded | bin uu | application/octet-stream | |
PC executable | exe | application/octet-stream | |
WAIS “sources” | src wsrc | application/x-wais-source | |
NCSA HDF data format | hdf | application/hdf | |
Downloadable Program/Scripts | |||
Javascript program | js ls mocha | text/javascript | |
application/x-javascript | |||
VBScript program | text/vbscript | ||
UNIX bourne shell program | sh | application/x-sh | |
UNIX c-shell program | csh | application/x-csh | |
Perl program | pl | application/x-perl | |
Tcl (Tool Control Language) program | tcl | application/x-tcl | |
Atomicmail program scripts (obsolete) | application/atomicmail | ||
Slate documents – executable enclosures (BBN) | application/slate | ||
Undefined binary data (often executable progs) | application/octet-stream | ||
RISC OS Executable programs (ANT Limited) | application/riscos | ||
Animation/Multimedia | |||
Andrew Toolkit inset | application/andrew-inset | ||
FutureSplash vector animation (FutureWave) | spl | application/futuresplash | |
mBED multimedia data (mBED) | mbd | application/mbedlet | |
Macromedia Shockwave (Macromedia) | application/x-director | ||
Sizzler real-time video/animation | application/x-sprite | ||
PowerMedia multimedia (RadMedia) | rad | application/x-rad-powermedia | |
Presentation | |||
PowerPoint presentation (Microsoft) | ppz | application/mspowerpoint | |
PointPlus presentation data (Net Scene) | css | application/x-pointplus | |
ASAP WordPower (Software Publishing Corp.) | asp | application/x-asap | |
Astound Web Player multimedia data (GoldDisk) | asn | application/astound | |
Special Embedded Object | |||
OLE script e.g. Visual Basic (Ncompass) | axs | application/x-olescript | |
OLE Object (Microsoft/NCompass) | ods | application/x-oleobject | |
OpenScape OLE/OCX objects (Business@Web) | opp | x-form/x-openscape | |
Visual Basic objects (Amara) | wba | application/x-webbasic | |
Specialized data entry forms (Alpha Software) | frm | application/x-alpha-form | |
client-server objects (Wayfarer Communications) | wfx | x-script/x-wfxclient | |
General Applications | |||
Undefined binary data (often executable progs) | application/octet-stream | ||
CALS (U.S. D.O.D data format – RFC 1895) | application/cals-1840 | ||
Pointcast news data (Pointcast) | pcn | application/x-pcn | |
Excel spreadsheet (Microsoft) | application/ | ||
application/x-msexcel | |||
application/ms-excel | |||
PowerPoint (Microsoft) | ppt | application/ | |
application/ms-powerpoint | |||
Microsoft Project (Microsoft) | application/ | ||
Works data (Microsoft) | application/ | ||
MAPI data (Microsoft) | application/ | ||
Artgallery data (Microsoft) | application/vnd.artgalry | ||
SourceView document (Dataware Electronics) | svd | application/vnd.svd | |
Truedoc (Bitstream) | application/vnd.truedoc | ||
Net Install – software install (20/20 Software) | ins | application/x-net-install | |
Carbon Copy – remote control/access (Microcom) | ccv | application/ccv | |
Spreadsheets (Visual Components) | vts | workbook/formulaone | |
Cybercash digital money (Cybercash) | application/cybercash | ||
Format for sending generic Macintosh files | application/applefile | ||
Active message — connect to active mail app. | application/activemessage | ||
X.400 mail message body part (RFC 1494) | application/x400-bp | ||
USENET news message id (RFC 1036) | application/news-message-id | ||
USENET news message (RFC 1036) | application/news-transmission | ||
Multipart Types (mostly email) | |||
Messages with multiple parts | multipart/mixed | ||
Messages with multiple, alternative parts | multipart/alternative | ||
Message with multiple, related parts | multipart/related | ||
Multiple parts are digests | multipart/digest | ||
For reporting of email status (admin.) | multipart/report | ||
Order of parts does not matter | multipart/parallel | ||
Macintosh file data | multipart/appledouble | ||
Aggregate messages; descriptor as header | multipart/header-set | ||
Container for voice-mail | multipart/voice-message | ||
HTML FORM data (see Ch. 9 and App. B) | multipart/form-data | ||
Infinite multiparts – See Chapter 9 (Netscape) | multipart/x-mixed-replace | ||
Message Types (mostly email) | |||
MIME message | message/rfc822 | ||
Partial message | message/partial | ||
Message containing external references | message/external-body | ||
Message containing USENET news | message/news | ||
HTTP message | message/http | ||
2D/3D Data/Virtual Reality Types | |||
VRML data file | wrl vrml | x-world/x-vrml(changing to model/vrml) | |
WIRL – VRML data (VREAM) | vrw | x-world/x-vream | |
Play3D 3d scene data (Play3D) | p3d | application/x-p3d | |
Viscape Interactive 3d world data (Superscape) | svr | x-world/x-svr | |
WebActive 3d data (Plastic Thought) | wvr | x-world/x-wvr | |
QuickDraw3D scene data (Apple) | 3dmf | x-world/x-3dmf | |
Scientific/Math/CAD Types | |||
Chemical types — to communicate information about chemical models | chemical/* (several subtypes) | ||
Mathematica notebook | ma | application/mathematica | |
Computational meshes for numerical simulations | msh | x-model/x-mesh(evolving to model/mesh) | |
Vis5D 5-dimensional data | v5d | application/vis5d | |
IGES models — CAD/CAM (CGM) data | igs | application/iges(evolving to model/iges?) | |
Autocad WHIP vector drawings | dwf | drawing/x-dwf | |
Largely Platform-Specific Types | |||
Silicon Graphics Specific Types | |||
Showcase Presentations | showcase slides sc sho show | application/x-showcase | |
Insight Manual pages | ins insight | application/x-insight | |
Iris Annotator data | ano | application/x-annotator | |
Directory Viewer | dir | application/x-dirview | |
Software License | lic | application/x-enterlicense | |
Fax manager file | faxmgr | application/x-fax-manager | |
Fax job data file | faxmgrjob | application/x-fax-manager-job | |
IconBook data | icnbk | application/x-iconbook | |
? | wb | application/x-inpview | |
Installable software in ‘inst’ format | inst | application/x-install | |
Mail folder | application/x-mailfolder | ||
? | pp ppages | application/x-ppages | |
Data for printer (via lpr) | sgi-lpr | application/x-sgi-lpr | |
Software in ‘tardist’ format | tardist | application/x-tardist | |
Software in compressed ‘tardist’ format | ztardist | application/x-ztardist | |
WingZ spreadsheet | wkz | application/x-wingz | |
Open Inventor 3-D scenes | iv | graphics/x-inventor | |
Copyright © Ian S. Graham, 1997
Last Update: 25 January 1996 The HTML Sourcebook, 3Ed