vmware server报错:You have started VMware Server with an out-of-date copy of the application

You have started VMware Server with an out-of-date copy of the application.  VMware Server cannot power on virtual machines using this copy (version 2.0.2).  To power on this virtual machine, run VMware Server from the default location.

vmware server 2 (win32) 启动虚拟机时,报错,如上,重启动vmware服务也不行。网上查原因,似乎都有靠谱。偶然的机缘,把虚拟机文件复制一份,并把复制的拷贝添加到vmware里,启动,居然可以启动了,于是把原vmware从虚拟机里删掉(不要勾选从硬盘里删除,结果你懂的),并把vmware虚拟机目录改名,然后再添加到vmware里,启动,选择“I copy it”,正常启动。


Last Updated on 2024/11/11


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