vmware server报错:You have started VMware Server with an out-of-date copy of the application
You have started VMware Server with an out-of-date copy of the application. VMware Server cannot power on virtual machines using this copy (version 2[……]
You have started VMware Server with an out-of-date copy of the application. VMware Server cannot power on virtual machines using this copy (version 2[……]
新的Linux内核会导致VMware workstation重新编译部分组件,以保证调用正确的内核模块或函数接口,也即VMware workstation是部分依赖于内核的。如果内核版本过新,有可能会因VMware尚未为该版本开发出对应组件而导致workstation、 vmplayer等产品无法[……]