google earth linux无法运行:OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.7.1) (fedora-37.b17.fc13-i386) OpenJDK Server VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode)

使用fedora 13 Linux,安装google earth,安装后却无法运行,解决过程手记。


安装google earth时选择的安装位置选择为/usr/local/而不是默认的/opt/,安装后无法运行,有selinux报错,由于对selinux并不熟悉,于是修改selinux为只报告,并不阻拦。然后在命令行里运行,又看到错误消息:具体消息没有记下来,最后两行大概是这个样子:

OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.7.1) (fedora-37.b17.fc13-i386)
OpenJDK Server VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode)

不知道是缺少JDK包,但在“系统-管理-添加/删除软件”里搜索JDK,好几个OpenJDK相关的包都安装过了的,有几个没有装,从名字上看,感觉只是JDK“外围”包或文档之类的。以前使用fedora12安装google earth时没有遇到任何问题,但之前是安装到默认的/opt/,于是到安装目录里运行./uninstall卸载google earth,然后再安装到默认位置。

再次运行,还是一样的错误提示。于是报死马当活马医的心态,安装OpenJKD搜索出来的所有几个包(具体哪几个不记得了, e!e!),再次运行,google earth,哈,居然好了,运行正常。



[root@fsc feng]# getenforce
[root@fsc feng]# sestatus
SELinux status:                 enabled
SELinuxfs mount:                /selinux
Current mode:                   enforcing
Mode from config file:          enforcing
Policy version:                 24
Policy from config file:        targeted
[root@fsc feng]# setenforce
usage:  setenforce [ Enforcing | Permissive | 1 | 0 ]
[root@fsc feng]# setenforce 0
[root@fsc feng]# sestatus
SELinux status:                 enabled
SELinuxfs mount:                /selinux
Current mode:                   permissive
Mode from config file:          enforcing
Policy version:                 24
Policy from config file:        targeted
[root@fsc feng]# sestatus
SELinux status:                 enabled
SELinuxfs mount:                /selinux
Current mode:                   permissive
Mode from config file:          enforcing
Policy version:                 24
Policy from config file:        targeted
[root@fsc feng]# getenforce
[root@fsc feng]# exit
[feng@fsc ~]$ googleearth

(process:3568): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: gtype.c:2706: You forgot to call g_type_init()

(process:3568): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_once_init_leave: assertion `initialization_value != 0' failed

(process:3568): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_new: assertion `G_TYPE_IS_OBJECT (object_type)' failed
Google Earth has caught signal 11.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but Google Earth has crashed.
This is a bug in the program, and should never happen under normal
circumstances. A bug report and debugging data have been written
to this text file:


Please include this file if you submit a bug report to Google.
[feng@fsc ~]$ java version "1.6.0_17"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.7.1) (fedora-37.b17.fc13-i386)
OpenJDK Server VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode)

[feng@fsc ~]$ jobs
[feng@fsc ~]$ fobs
[feng@fsc ~]$ jobs
[feng@fsc ~]$ googleearth

(process:3660): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: gtype.c:2706: You forgot to call g_type_init()

(process:3660): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_once_init_leave: assertion `initialization_value != 0' failed

(process:3660): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_new: assertion `G_TYPE_IS_OBJECT (object_type)' failed
Google Earth has caught signal 11.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but Google Earth has crashed.
This is a bug in the program, and should never happen under normal
circumstances. A bug report and debugging data have been written
to this text file:


Please include this file if you submit a bug report to Google.
[feng@fsc ~]$ java version "1.6.0_17"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.7.1) (fedora-37.b17.fc13-i386)
OpenJDK Server VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode)

[feng@fsc ~]$ su
[root@fsc feng]# pwd
[root@fsc feng]# cd Downloads/
[root@fsc Downloads]# ll
总用量 57824
drwxrwxr-x. 5 feng feng     4096  8月 15 16:02 1634b5f42ec7dff29638227bd15edb9d
-rw-rw-r--. 1 feng feng   829116  8月 15 15:48 1634b5f42ec7dff29638227bd15edb9d.rar
-rw-rw-r--. 1 feng feng   752024  8月 16 22:11 2004122913334251606.rm
-rw-rw-r--. 1 feng feng   180088  8月 16 22:11 734.mp3
-rw-rw-r--. 1 feng feng     7826  8月 10 22:04 GoogleBookmarks.html
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 feng feng 31399370  8月 21 18:24 GoogleEarthLinux.bin
-rw-rw-r--. 1 feng feng  1424887  8月 15 15:30 hanzhongren.rar
-rw-rw-r--. 1 feng feng 14754987  8月 21 17:26 opera-10.61-6430.i386.rpm
-rw-rw-r--. 1 feng feng   833828  8月 15 15:32 rarlinux-3.9.3.tar.gz
-rw-rw-r--. 1 feng feng  8887395  8月 15 15:47 风格安装录像.rar
[root@fsc Downloads]# ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing Google Earth for GNU/Linux
loki_setup: Suspect size value for option option

loki_setup: Suspect size value for option option

Installing mimetypes...
Installing desktop menu entries...
Installing desktop icon...

(process:3982): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: gtype.c:2706: You forgot to call g_type_init()

(process:3982): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_once_init_leave: assertion `initialization_value != 0' failed

(process:3982): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_new: assertion `G_TYPE_IS_OBJECT (object_type)' failed
Google Earth has caught signal 11.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but Google Earth has crashed.
This is a bug in the program, and should never happen under normal
circumstances. A bug report and debugging data have been written
to this text file:


Please include this file if you submit a bug report to Google.
[root@fsc Downloads]# java version "1.6.0_17"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.7.1) (fedora-37.b17.fc13-i386)
OpenJDK Server VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode)

[root@fsc Downloads]# ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin --help
Makeself version 2.1.5
1) Getting help or info about ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin :
./GoogleEarthLinux.bin --help   Print this message
./GoogleEarthLinux.bin --info   Print embedded info : title, default target directory, embedded script ...
./GoogleEarthLinux.bin --lsm    Print embedded lsm entry (or no LSM)
./GoogleEarthLinux.bin --list   Print the list of files in the archive
./GoogleEarthLinux.bin --check  Checks integrity of the archive

2) Running ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin :
./GoogleEarthLinux.bin [options] [--] [additional arguments to embedded script]
with following options (in that order)
--confirm             Ask before running embedded script
--noexec              Do not run embedded script
--keep                Do not erase target directory after running
the embedded script
--nox11               Do not spawn an xterm
--nochown             Do not give the extracted files to the current user
--target NewDirectory Extract in NewDirectory
--tar arg1 [arg2 ...] Access the contents of the archive through the tar command
--                    Following arguments will be passed to the embedded script
[root@fsc Downloads]# pwd
[root@fsc Downloads]# cd /usr/local/google-earth/
[root@fsc google-earth]# ll
总用量 74024
-rw-r--r--.   1 root root    71677  8月 21 19:01 drivers.ini
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root     1308  8月 21 19:01 googleearth
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root     3876  8月 21 19:01 googleearth-bin
-rw-r--r--.   1 root root     4754  8月 21 19:01 googleearth-icon.png
-rw-r--r--.   1 root root      638  8月 21 19:01 googleearth-mimetypes.xml
-rw-r--r--.   1 root root    17748  8月 21 19:01 googleearth.xpm
-rw-r--r--.   1 root root      426  8月 21 19:01 Google-googleearth.desktop
-rw-r--r--.   1 root root    18011  8月 21 19:01 gpl.txt
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root  1490232  8月 21 19:01 gpsbabel
-rw-r--r--.   1 root root      983  8月 21 19:01 ImporterGlobalSettings.ini
-rw-r--r--.   1 root root     5054  8月 21 19:01 ImporterUISettings.ini
-rw-r--r--.   1 root root        0  8月 21 19:01 kh20
drwxr-xr-x.   2 root root     4096  8月 21 19:01 lang
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root    14724  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root    10140  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root   438432  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root   883784  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root   614024  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root  3116356  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root    85932  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root    10344  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root   660692  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root   220524  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root    22948  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root   209928  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root  7657140  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root   845264  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root    11704  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root  7900272  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root   277340  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root  3387556  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root   330520  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root   517084  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root  1194992  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root   360628  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root   281384  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root   415112  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root  1087360  8月 21 19:01
-rw-r--r--.   1 root root   432748  8月 21 19:01
-rw-r--r--.   1 root root  1014232  8月 21 19:01
-rw-r--r--.   1 root root   558320  8月 21 19:01
-rw-r--r--.   1 root root  3707908  8月 21 19:01
-rw-r--r--.   1 root root   297548  8月 21 19:01
-rw-r--r--.   1 root root   885932  8月 21 19:01
-rw-r--r--.   1 root root  1095360  8月 21 19:01
-rw-r--r--.   1 root root   164340  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root   227636  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root  1861468  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root    96492  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root   367428  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root   378344  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root    44036  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root  1235196  8月 21 19:01
-rw-r--r--.   1 root root     7552  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root    36808  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root   208088  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root  2517408  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root  8941228  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root   878444  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root 14368872  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root   393664  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root   154380  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root  1123308  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root  1612904  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root   211092  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root    77928  8月 21 19:01
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root   315180  8月 21 19:01
drwxr-xr-x.   3 root root     4096  8月 21 18:28 linux
-rw-r--r--.   1 root root      661  8月 21 19:01 PCOptimizations.ini
drwxr-xr-x.   3 root root     4096  8月 21 18:28 plugins
-rw-r--r--.   1 root root        7  8月 21 19:01 qt.conf
drwxr-xr-x. 291 root root    16384  8月 21 19:01 resources
drwxr-xr-x.   2 root root     4096  8月 21 19:01 shaders
-rwxr-xr-x.   1 root root     1708  8月 21 19:01 uninstall
[root@fsc google-earth]# ./uninstall
Product: Google Earth
Installed in /usr/local/google-earth
Uninstalling desktop menu entries...
Uninstalling mimetypes...
Google Earth has been successfully uninstalled.

[root@fsc google-earth]# ll
总用量 0
[root@fsc google-earth]# pwd
[root@fsc google-earth]# cd ..
[root@fsc local]# ll
总用量 36
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096  8月 21 19:05 bin
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 10月  1 2009 etc
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 10月  1 2009 games
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 10月  1 2009 include
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096  8月 15 15:42 lib
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 10月  1 2009 libexec
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 10月  1 2009 sbin
drwxr-xr-x. 5 root root 4096  8月  4 01:05 share
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 10月  1 2009 src
[root@fsc local]# pwd
[root@fsc local]# cd /home/feng/Downloads/
[root@fsc Downloads]# ll
总用量 57824
drwxrwxr-x. 5 feng feng     4096  8月 15 16:02 1634b5f42ec7dff29638227bd15edb9d
-rw-rw-r--. 1 feng feng   829116  8月 15 15:48 1634b5f42ec7dff29638227bd15edb9d.rar
-rw-rw-r--. 1 feng feng   752024  8月 16 22:11 2004122913334251606.rm
-rw-rw-r--. 1 feng feng   180088  8月 16 22:11 734.mp3
-rw-rw-r--. 1 feng feng     7826  8月 10 22:04 GoogleBookmarks.html
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 feng feng 31399370  8月 21 18:24 GoogleEarthLinux.bin
-rw-rw-r--. 1 feng feng  1424887  8月 15 15:30 hanzhongren.rar
-rw-rw-r--. 1 feng feng 14754987  8月 21 17:26 opera-10.61-6430.i386.rpm
-rw-rw-r--. 1 feng feng   833828  8月 15 15:32 rarlinux-3.9.3.tar.gz
-rw-rw-r--. 1 feng feng  8887395  8月 15 15:47 风格安装录像.rar
[root@fsc Downloads]# ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing Google Earth for GNU/Linux
loki_setup: Suspect size value for option option

loki_setup: Suspect size value for option option

loki_setup: Suspect size value for option option

Installing mimetypes...
Installing desktop menu entries...
Installing desktop icon...

(process:4330): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: gtype.c:2706: You forgot to call g_type_init()

(process:4330): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_once_init_leave: assertion `initialization_value != 0' failed

(process:4330): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_new: assertion `G_TYPE_IS_OBJECT (object_type)' failed
Google Earth has caught signal 11.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but Google Earth has crashed.
This is a bug in the program, and should never happen under normal
circumstances. A bug report and debugging data have been written
to this text file:


Please include this file if you submit a bug report to Google.
[root@fsc Downloads]# java version "1.6.0_17"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.7.1) (fedora-37.b17.fc13-i386)
OpenJDK Server VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode)

[root@fsc Downloads]#

We apologize for the inconvenience, but Google Earth has crashed.
This is a bug in the program, and should never happen under normal
circumstances. A bug report and debugging data have been written
to this text file:


Please include this file if you submit a bug report to Google.
[root@fsc Downloads]# java version "1.6.0_17"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.7.1) (fedora-37.b17.fc13-i386)
OpenJDK Server VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode)





在Fedora 13 下下载了官方的GoogleEarth后无法启动,出现如下错误:
[root@YWX download]# googleearth

(process:3026): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: gtype.c:2706: You forgot to call g_type_init()

(process:3026): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_once_init_leave: assertion `initialization_value != 0' failed

(process:3026): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_new: assertion `G_TYPE_IS_OBJECT (object_type)' failed
Google Earth has caught signal 11.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but Google Earth has crashed.
This is a bug in the program, and should never happen under normal
circumstances. A bug report and debugging data have been written
to this text file:


Please include this file if you submit a bug report to Google.
[root@YWX download]# java version "1.6.0_18"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.8.1) (fedora-42.b18.fc13-i386)
OpenJDK Server VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode)

Google了好久, 终于找到解决办法:
vi ~/.config/Google/GoogleEarthPlus.conf




字面意思好像是“不启用提示”, 对使用应该没有什么影响, 没办法,凑合着用了。

Linux 下 修改 Google Earth 的默认缓存和KMLPath目录方法:
#  vi ~/.config/Google/GoogleEarthPlus.conf

相应修改 CachePath 和  KMLPath 字段的值即可